Recently I wanted to make a short FOOH Marketing video (CGI Ad) using Blender, where I digitally added a banner that unfolds from the top of the Ventana al Mundo monument in Barranquilla. The best thing about this process was realizing that only with Blender and its Motion Tracking tool I could achieve it without needing to use After Effects or external add-ons . Here I tell you how I did it step by step.
Motion Tracking is used to track the motion of objects and/or a camera and, through the constraints, to apply this tracking data to 3D objects (or just one), which have either been created in Blender or imported into the application.
Step 1: Importing the Video into Blender
The first thing I did was import the video into Blender's Motion Tracker tool. This is key because it allows you to analyze the camera movement and synchronize the CGI elements with the real shot.

Step 2: Creating Motion Tracking Markers
Using the Motion Tracking tool, I placed markers at contrasting points in the video. Then, I played the video forward and backward to check that the markers stayed in place. This step is crucial to achieving a good camera track .
Step 3: Tracking Refinement
I gradually removed the markers that had errors until I got a Pixel Error Margin below 1. This ensures that the CGI animation integrates seamlessly with the original video.
Step 4: Add the CGI Elements
With the tracking ready, I added the CGI elements:
A cube used to calculate banner collision and cast realistic shadows.
The banner , which was displayed from the top of the monument.
Step 5: Banner Animation
To animate the banner:
I added subdivisions to it so it could deform smoothly.
I used a spiral curve modifier to roll it up.
I applied a cloth simulation to make the animation look realistic when unfolding.
I added collision with the cube so that the physics would react correctly.
Step 6: Integration and Render
Once the animation was ready, I baked it to make sure the simulation looked smooth and error-free. Then, I added the banner texture and an HDRI to match the lighting to the real scene.

Step 7: Editing and Publishing
After rendering as an image sequence, I moved the footage into DaVinci Resolve for final editing. While editing, I listened to music by Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith for inspiration hehe. Finally, I uploaded it to LinkedIn and was blown away by the result.
What surprised me the most about this project was that I was able to do everything in Blender without the need for external add-ons or programs like After Effects . It's amazing how this software allows you to achieve professional results with native tools.
If you are interested in Motion Tracking in Blender, give it a try! It is a powerful tool that opens up many possibilities for integrating CGI with real videos.